When Eila Rochfort was asked to arrange the funeral of a much- loved client she had not expected our professional skills to extend to flower arranging!
After the funeral Eila was asked to deliver two coffin sprays to Collingwood Grange care home where the deceased had lived so happily for the last three years of her life. The flowers were beautiful but clearly had funeral connotations so they were brought back to the office and Eila and our receptionist Elizabeth assisted by Eila’s PA, Kim, made nine posy arrangements for the residents at Collingwood Grange.
Much pleasure was given, not only to the residents, but also to all of us in the office and visiting clients who enjoyed the heady scent of the flowers and the transformation of the sprays into such beautiful arrangements.
The Wills and Probate Department has been asked whether its staff will now offer flower arranging as part of its service to clients but reluctantly they think they had better stick to legal advice.